2008:: Bonnie And Clyde… I mean Steve’s Visit To Vancouver
Over the past couple of weeks we’ve had Steve and Bonnie came to visit Vancouver. Steve’s been flying between here and Elko for work and in between site visits he’s been living in Vancouver. Instead of going back home for R&R (rest and recreation), he got his company to fly Bonnie out. Lucky girl…!
It’s been great to catch up with these guys as we’re always starved for news from home and always its a nice reason to get out and about to actually do some sight seeing. No matter where we live “permanently”, the sight seeing always gets put on hold because we have the mentality of “oh we can go there anytime…”
So prior to Steve and Bonnie flying off to Las Vegas we did a drive out to the Seattle Premium Outlets to do some shopping and then the plan was to have dinner with Poe, Frances and Janlyk but I was so burnt out from the work travel debacle (don’t get me started on that) so we ended up driving home.
As part of the “to do list” of sights around Vancouver I took them up to Cypress Mountain because Bonnie hasn’t been in snow before. The ski season has been over for a month so the entire mountain was deserted! We were the only people up there so it was great. We threw snowballs… at Bonnie… climbed snowy hills and made steve do a stuntman roll down them… and finally… let the pooches run free… while Princess Jasmin does what she does best… look cute and get carried around…Â
I can’t believe how much Candy loves snow. She ran around the car park like a mad dog and kept on trudging through the run off drains to get onto the snow embankments. I’ve never seen a dog get dirty so quickly…
Bonnie couldn’t quite grasp the concept of “Bear Proof” rubbish bins… and since she couldn’t open it, they were also dubbed “Bonnie Proof”… No Pic-a-nic basket for you!
Last night we went out for dinner to a Japanese/Korean BBQ restaurant called Shabusen. In preparation of getting “maximum value” out of the buffet we all starved ourselves during the day. While ordering Bonnie didn’t quite get the concept of if the menu had “pcs” after it that it meant “per piece”. So after ordering “1 pcs” of Chicken Karage the waiter came out with a huge tray with a small side plate that had 1 chicken wing on it. The waiter had this smirk on his face that basically said “I know you didn’t want just one chicken wing… but that’s how you ordered it…so here you go…” Next we were contemplating if it was possible to order 53 grains of steamed rice… After much Sashimi Salmon, Oysters, Mussels, BBQ meats and sushi we threw in the towel once we reached a point where we couldn’t move. It was a great night and I like restaurants like that where you can take your time to finish your meal and can have long conversations…
Alas all good things must come to an end and I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed! Bonnie of flying out tomorrow and once again she’s going to have to deal with the jet lag and be stripped off a day of her life with the time zone changes… It was great catching up with you guys and we’ll see you soon! Â
Dear Saj & Tash,
It was so great to catch up and see you guys! Definitely one of the highlights of our trip Thank you so much for your kind generous hospitality and taking us around. It wouldn’t have being the same without you both.
Take care and hope to see you both again really soon.
P.S- I miss Shubosen :p~
Hey Bonnie!
Glad you had fun… I heard from Steve that you guys managed to do a second round of the buffet! I guess you’re all Sashimied out…
We’ll send you some salmon lox in the mail… haha I don’t know how good it will be by the time it gets there!
Hehe for the record it’s Shabusen
Can you believe it’s already last week of April and still we had snow/rain this week! Might do another trip to Cypress with Candy since she loves snow so much…
Catchya soon!
Hey Saj,
YES SHA-BU-SEN! hahaha i think there’s a million different ways of saying it so I was close enough 😉 I couldn’t resist another Jap buffet – that sashimi was sooo yummy and this time we remembered to put 6 not ONE! hahaha..
NO I’m not sashimied out! In fact when i got back to Perth all I was craving was more sashimi. I don’t think any place in Perth cuts it that THICK though so your delivery will be most welcomed.
Wow! the weather there isn’t given into spring is it?? Lucky Candy ..hehe..I got back to Perth and everyone was rugged up and it was like 15 degrees and sunny! It’s funny how quickly you can get acclimatised to the weather. I spent the whole week in a t-shirt and skirt. COLD here is just not the COLD in VC. Miss it already!
Take care and stay in touch