:: Halloween Howler IV

This year for Halloween we went to a function called Halloween Howler IV. As with every year, everyone got into the spirit of things and made an effort to dress up. Some of the popular costumes this year were H1N1 Disease, Michael Jackson Thriller Zombies, Mario and Luigi. This year a friend of mine came up with the idea of going as Harold and Kumar from “Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay”. We donned our orange jump suits hit the party…

Some of the more interesting costumes I came across during the night was DJ Deadmau5. I’m not sure if anyone else knew who she was, but it was a very cool costume:


There were plenty of drinks being poured, lots of moves burning up the dance floor. Kudos to the organizers of the event for a great night! Here’s a few highlights from the night:





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