2008This is my cute little mocha baby niece Ella… a.k.a Ella-phant…
You ask why is she a mocha baby…? Well… if you follow the equation below:
Heath |
+ | Â |
Erandi |
= | Â |
Ella-phant |
She’s 5.5 months now and is cuter than ever…
Here she is chilling with her crew in her crib… *ha* *ha*
Ella is having her christening this Saturday so to commemorate the day I made her a custom baby jump suite…
I can’t wait until I get to see you…! So, until then I’m going to spoil the crap out of you! If you mum says no to anything you want… Say Uncle Saj said it was OK!
Ella Parish
Hi unkie saj,
pls, pretty pls :)I will send you some more cute photos from my holiday in Tassie. I think I look a little bit like a tassie devil in some of the photos
Lots of love, hugs, smoochies and dribbles
Thanks for putting me on your website. Yup I know I’m cute….but I am only 5.5 months….and by the way I really, really want a gps for my dads new car but he can’t afford it. Can you help me out
Hehe my bad… I put it down to your silly mommy telling me you’re 17 weeks old… Hate it when ppl say that! It’s even worse when people say “oh my baby is 24 months old”… its 2 years dammit!!
Hope you had fun in Tazzie… though people goto bed at 8pm on a weekend there… haha